For the eyes. For the heart. For the ears. For the feet. For the soul.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My new website

Hello! My website is now launched. It's crazy to think that I bought my camera in October and now it's spun into this whirlwind chain of events. The spring and summer are booking up with engagements, family sessions and weddings and I honestly don't know how this all happened so fast.

People say that my biggest downfall is that I don't believe in myself so I better start. I'm a perfectionist to a fault in most areas of my life, however in photography, this can only propel me to learn, absorb and do better.

They say that in order to better understand someone, you must first walk in their shoes. I truly never knew all that went into the photography business; I was just concerned about the end result. I now know that, like a mother who must wear many hats to juggle her family, a photographer must also act as many; a stylist, accountant, graphic designer, marketing associate, researcher, editor, assistant, gopher, and sales agent; all the while putting out fires along the way and keeping up with industry standards and trends.

I am new. I am not experienced. I can't "fake it until I make it." It's just not me.
But what I am is hungry for knowledge. Eager. Determined. Passionate.

In University and throughout my career in finance, I would always find my mind drifting in and out of meetings and training. I took a course the other night in photography and my ears were perked right up. Not only did I listen inherently to every dry word regarding theory, I put up my hand and asked for clarification which is something I would never do in the past.

My husband said I'm a different person behind the lens. I take charge. I'm not shy or insecure. I am alive and full of electric energy. I stay up for hours on end reading and learning and researching and editing and when I get frustrated, I don't quit. I wake up the next morning and start all over again.

People said I was brave to leave my job. That struck a nerve in me and I started to worry.
I'm not worried anymore. My aunt said to me that when you love something, the logistics will eventually come. I'm sure there will be hurdles along the way. There always has been for me.

But I always land on my own two feet.

Thanks for the support! I have the best family and friends in the world. xoxo

Here is my new site. Logo still in progress:

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