For the eyes. For the heart. For the ears. For the feet. For the soul.

Friday, January 28, 2011

A different corner.

In a world full of struggle and strife, I have often found that my own tribulations have led me to this journalistic path. Grief and sadness encourage me to write and that is how I heal. I've been quiet lately with words and it's safe to say, that life has never been better. I'm wise to know that nothing in life is perfect, and that just when things seem great, some other area of your life falls apart.

But for today; gratitude.

Gratitude for the most wonderful man I could ever ask to choose me as his wife. Thankful for friends, artistic passion and good health. Grateful for those who have scorned me; when once I thought it would never be possible to heal, they have given me a strength one could never find in a life laced with privilege and shelter from the real world.

I love this song by George Michael.

"Turn a different corner, and we never would have met."


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