For the eyes. For the heart. For the ears. For the feet. For the soul.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Social Network

The Social Network. A movie based on the creators of the hugely addictive connection tool, Facebook. Started by a couple of twenty something guys with an idea. A billion dollar idea.

I had a friendly meeting today which turned into more of a business discussion. Ideas and concepts were spilling out of our mouths and invisibly spelled out on the surface of the food court table at which we sat.

A friend of mine told me that I was like the character Jay Gatsby in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" because I brought people together from all walks of life to my parties. I never believe in hosting a party with one particular demographic such as all couples or all colleagues around the same age. The best parties, are those with an interesting mix of people. This could be a recipe for disaster as in my past life, I would worry about everyone getting along and if a childhood friend would have anything in common with a business acquaintance, for example.

I've learned that if you provide a venue, some food and beverages and music, the rest is up to your guests.

With this all in mind, I am proposing an invitation to all of my entrepreneurial friends to come to my home, introduce yourselves and be part of a creative discussion of innovative ideas. You may be surprised at what knowledge a real estate agent, an event planner, a chef, a salesman, a writer, an inventor, a construction owner, a plumber and an I.T. person could all share.

In an age of technology, networking is made that much easier through Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn however there is something to be said for face to face interaction and the energy which is abuzz from creative, driven and inquisitive human discussion.

If you're serious about success and would like to join our discussion, please send me an email to and I will arrange the logistics such as date, time and overall agenda.

I cannot promise you will get anything out of it. I cannot promise you will like everyone you meet. All I can do is provide the venue and invitation and the rest is up to you!

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